Si Alang Mobile Apps FEB UNAIR(FEB UNAIR) Five Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) students successfully obtained funding for the Student Entrepreneurship Creativity Program (PKM-K). They are M. Assadam Rizqi Saputra from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), together with his teammates, Aulia Widi Mangesti from the Faculty of Psychology (FPsi), Shinta Puteri Permadani and Amalia Nur Rahma from FEB, and Rizki Ferdiansyah from the Faculty of Science and Technology ( FST).

The decline in Indonesian children's interest in cultural diversity due to globalization is the basis for the emergence of this idea. In addition, there are endless cases of gadget addiction among children, which reduces productivity, including gross motor elasticity and children's motor skills. Starting from this awareness and concern, Alang was present. Si Alang is an innovation in the form of a treasure adventure board game called Si Alang Mobile Apps as a support for the board game idea that was initiated previously. Si Alang is a game that functions to develop multiple intelligences in children aged 5-11 years.

Si Alang products integrate 9 multiple intelligences consisting of musical, logical mathematical, spatial, kinesthetic, linguistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist, and existential with an Indonesian cultural approach. The strong reason for carrying out the 9 multiple intelligences approach is to provide educational, fun and interactive learning media for children. Because at the developmental age of 5-11 years the most suitable learning medium for children is play, therefore creating game products that stimulate 9 multiple intelligences is an opportunity for Alang. Alang's board game is visualized with a treasure adventure starting from Sumatra Island and ending on Papua Island as a place of treasure. This product is integrated with Alang Mobile Apps which are designed with a user-friendly appearance so as to make the gaming experience more educational, interactive, attractive and memorable.

The presence of Alang is very appropriate to support concrete action on the fourth point of SDGs, namely Quality Education. Children can maximize their developmental tasks with educational, interactive and fun learning media because all dimensions of multiple intelligences have been facilitated by Alang. Apart from eye-catching designs, Alang will collaborate with various parties, especially schools to help promote so as to create brand awareness of Alang's products and bring about a cultured generation that welcomes Golden Indonesia 2045.