FEB UNAIR ACCOUNTING SERVICE COVER(FEB NEWS) The Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) is again implementing a community service program aimed at improving financial management performance among goat and sheep breeders. These goat and sheep breeders will form groups or cooperatives as a choice of institutional status. This activity took place at Sumber Barokah Sumber Sawit (SBS) Farm, Sumbersawit Village - Sumber Agung, Magetan Regency. This community service program is carried out in order to achieve the target of SDGs 4 (quality education) through financial training and SDGs 8 (decent work and economic growth) which can be seen from increasing the understanding and performance of livestock farmers.

The Community Service Event is entitled "Financial Reporting and Analysis Training". This activity was carried out on Monday, October 7 2024, attended by SBS Farm breeders, village community leaders and the village government. This activity includes two important stages. Firstly, a survey was previously carried out on the needs of farmers regarding financial management in accordance with the condition of the farm and the human resources (HR) they have. Second, implementing financial recording training aimed at the SBS Farm Sumbersawit-Magetan livestock group.
"This financial management training activity is a form of UNAIR's concern represented by a team from the Accounting Department in an effort to increase understanding of financial management for livestock groups in Sumbersawit Village, which will ultimately improve the performance of sheep and goat farmer groups," said Dr. Alfa Rahmiati, SE, MM., Ak, head of community service.
The training lasted for 2 hours with material sessions delivered by lecturers from the Accounting Department who had experience assisting financial management in the community. The first speaker conveyed the importance of financial management for livestock groups. "Whatever the form of breeder organization here, we need to understand financial management and analysis so that we can understand the development of livestock group performance," said Prof. Drs. Basuki, M.Com (HONS)., Ph.D. The next speaker emphasized the technical aspects of financial management and reporting that must be carried out. "Dividing responsibilities, preparing budgets, and recording transactions are points that must be carried out in financial management," said Amalia Rizki, SE, M.Si., Ak. Participants in this activity consisted of breeders from the SBS Farm group and breeder partners, Yatim Mandiri. The activity was intensive, and the presenters delivered material which was followed by a question and answer session from the participants, showing high enthusiasm in trying to understand financial management.
The UNAIR Accounting Department Community Service Team is optimistic that by holding this activity, livestock breeders in Sumbersawit Village will better understand and be able to practice adequate financial management. It is hoped that training can continue to be carried out regularly and sustainably, as an effort to improve the performance of breeders and the regional economy through relevant recording and management. This activity closed with the distribution of basic necessities as a form of appreciation for the enthusiasm of the breeders from SBS Farm in participating in the training. It is hoped that with this service, the SBS Farm livestock group will be able and ready to implement simple financial records and have an impact on improving performance in managing their livestock.