Disway Daily - TODAY the 2022 Surabaya City Government APBD will be discussed. The focus of the city government's budget and spending next year is economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic. The spending target was set quite large, IDR 10.17 trillion. Although, the revenue target is "only" IDR 9.30 trillion.

Looking at the ABPD's posture, it appears that the city government will aggressively carry out recovery in the fields of education, health and the economy. It doesn't matter that their income is not enough to cover their spending, so they experience a budget deficit. In fact, the planned deficit reached IDR 860 billion.

The concept of a budget deficit is the same as that applied by the government. This year, for example, the government projects a deficit of up to 5.7 percent of GDP. Data from the Ministry of Finance shows that as of last September, the budget deficit had reached IDR 452 trillion. State revenue was only IDR 1,354 trillion, while state expenditure until last September reached IDR 1,806.8 trillion.


More details: https://www.disway.id/r/3333/defisit-anggaran