Training on how to create an animal feed bank on Raas Island, Sumenep, Madura, East Java. (Photo:

SUMENEP, - The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Universitas Airlangga which are part of the Airlangga Community Development Hub (ACDH) continue to explore the economic potential of the Raas islands, Sumenep, Madura , East Java.

For 3 days, since Thursday (26/5) 7 ACDH teams explored the island's economic potential. They sailed with the Airlangga Knights Floating Hospital (RSTKA).

The FEB team deployed was Dr. Irham Zaki, M. Qudsi Fauzi, MM., M. Bastomi Fahri Zusak, M.SEI, and Al Ma'rifatul A'la, MA. Meanwhile, representing FKH, it was chaired by Dr. drh. M. Anam Al Arif and consisting of drh, Sunaryo Hadi Warsito, MP, and Dr. drh. Dadik Rahardjo, M. Kes. The FEB and FKH Unair conducted a survey of breeders and MSMEs on Raas Island .

Head of the Unair FKH Team, Dr. drh. M. Anam Al Arif, revealed that the main problem faced by the Raas community is that electricity is not fully supplied 24 hours a day.  

"So far, the Raas community only has electricity at night, namely from 17.00 – 05.00 WIB," he said. 

Farmers, he said, also do not have extensive knowledge in managing livestock. For MSMEs, the lack of full electricity provides obstacles in developing MSMEs optimally.


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