During the COVID 19 pandemic, the business environment experienced many changes. In an effort to provide additional knowledge regarding the development of management science during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Management Department Universitas Airlangga is presenting a series of guest lectures inviting international lecturers.
This first guest lecture was held on Saturday, 18 September 2021 with our international guest lecturer, Dr. Felix Septianto from The University of Queensland Australia. This session was guided by the Coordinator of the Bachelor of Management Study Program Universitas Airlangga, Dr. Deen Mardhiyah.
In this event entitled "Charitable Advertising during COVID-19", Dr. Felix Septianto explained how to foster pro-social behavior in society and the importance of pro-social behavior for society to have during the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the results of research conducted by Dr. Felix and the team, during the Covid-19 pandemic, people have a feeling of awe at threats ( threat-based awe ) when they read the news or see advertisements related to Covid-19. Feelings of awe or surprise at the threat felt by society are more likely to be feelings of fear and worry. Regarding this condition, research results suggest that advertisements should be better designed to emphasize the message "why" rather than "how" so that advertisements are able to arouse people's interest in acting pro-socially or helping each other. Dr. Felix also added that advertisers need to pay attention that people have a growth mindset and emerge from this pandemic.
To conclude his presentation, Dr. Felix Septianto emphasized that encouraging people to have pro-social behavior can create community resilience to face the pandemic not only at the individual level but more importantly at the community level. When resilience at the community level can be achieved, the government will be more helped in carrying out efforts to restore the situation after the pandemic and community welfare will improve.
The complete recording of this seminar can be found on the YouTube account of the Department of Management FEB UNAIR at the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osRpz8idRpE
Speaker materials can be downloaded at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D_qLe0KnrsGFh8cfPdmEZlQSgWImz1zi/view