The Management Department of FEB Unair on September 15 2021, invited 2 alumni practitioners who are also leaders in large companies in Indonesia to the Talk Show "Understanding the 2022 Job Market."

The first speaker, Rudi Kurniawan, SE. SH. MH. As Corporate Industrial Relations & General Affairs Department Head PT MAYORA INDAH Tbk, said that the food and beverage industry is still developing well. In fact, every year it not only produces new products, but expands to build new factories. Thus, there are still large job vacancies open for alumni of the Management Department, FEB Unair.

The second speaker, Ir.
Yan Suhirmanto, MM, MH., CHCM., who stated that as the head of a company that supplies raw materials for various companies, PT TOYA INDO MANUNGGAL also experienced growth. In fact, he is currently trying to build a new factory for the agro-industry sector. The event, which was moderated by the Head of the Management Department of FEB Unair, Dr Gancar C. Premananto, further discussed how the job market will be in the future.
Rudi, who is an alumnus of S1 Management 93, stated that what millennial job seekers should avoid is an attitude that looks relaxed and dismissive.
The existence of the halo effect should be a concern when interviewing. We are also reminded of the importance of building work and organizational experience to demonstrate the ability to work together with other people and solve problems. The same thing was also conveyed by Yan, who is an alumnus of MM FEB Unair.
As Founder and Commercial Director of PT TOYA INDO MANUNGGAL, he also conveyed the need to pay attention to attitudes and competencies, not just knowledge. In fact, a good candidate is one who can show himself to be multi-talented. As a form of support for SDG point 4, improving the quality of education, both speakers expressed their ability to serve as a place for student internships, as expected by KPS S1 Management Dr Dien Mardhiyah.
The event, which was attended by 110 alumni from S3 (2 people), MM (23 people), MSM (8 people) and S1 (77 people), ran beyond the 1 hour time limit determined by the committee, with interactive discussion events. Gancar closed the event with the hope that the knowledge and degrees obtained by the graduates will be useful and a blessing for achieving success in life in this world and the hereafter.