An innovative and interactive event organized by the Management Department in collaboration with HIMA Management.
Inviting several Management partners who are willing to provide virtual internships for students on Wednesday, August 18 2021. Among the companies presenting are, imooji and Baliwood. Mrs. Susi Raharjo from, Mr. Aditya Dedi Devianto from Imooji and Mr. Arvin Miracelova from Baliwood were present to provide various information regarding internship forms, performance assessment formats, and how to apply for internships. Dozens of students attended to get information about interesting internships at this creative company. Present on that day was Dr Dien Mardhiyah always KPS S1 Management, explaining the importance of online internships and how conservation is carried out.

Virtual Merdeka Internship 2

Virtual Independence Internship 3

Virtual Independence Internship 4