Spirit of Helping and Tolerance

Tri Siwi Agustina
Center for Entrepreneurship and Industrial Relations, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga

The momentum of Eid al-Adha 10 Zulhijjah 1442 Hijriah (20 July 2021) was celebrated for the second time in the atmosphere of the Covid-19 pandemic hitting the motherland.
Of course, this is not a coincidental timing that just happened. In general, this is a signal from the Khalik that the commemoration of Eid al-Adha amidst concerns about the surge in Covid-19 cases in the country teaches us the spirit of ta'awun and the spirit of tasamuh. The spirit of ta'awun comes from the nature of helping others or caring, while the spirit of tasamuh comes from the nature of tolerance or the willingness to accept differences. Prophet Ismail gave an example of his sincerity in carrying out the commands of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala even though he had to slaughter Prophet Ibrahim, his beloved son whose arrival he had been waiting for so long.
This command reflects the need for people to eradicate lust and inspire concern to help based on sincerity and love. The spirit of tasamuh or tolerance that is drawn from the commemoration of Eid al-Adha cannot be separated from the implementation of the Hajj pilgrimage, where every year millions of Muslims from various corners of the world carry out the fifth pillar of Islam peacefully regardless of ethnicity, skin color, position, sect, language and culture carrying out wukuf. in the field of Arafah.
In the middle of 2021, the Covid-19 virus with various new variants exposed many residents in the country.
Every day tens of thousands of positive cases of Covid-19 continue to be reported. Hospitals were so overwhelmed that they had to accept patients by setting up tents in the yard, and the lack of supply of oxygen cylinders for hospitals and for people experiencing shortness of breath had an impact on many residents who breathed their last because they were late in getting oxygen assistance. Likewise, many residents were found to have died while self-isolating without the surrounding environment knowing. The manifestation of the nature of ta'awun and tasamuh is very real before us today.
Some of these actions were carried out individually, some were coordinated in a group, for example: The joint movement of various oxygen cylinders initiated by kitabisa.com in collaboration with a zakat distribution institution; A well-known actor and presenter from the Indonesian capital is willing to change his favorite luxury car to take Covid-19 patients to the hospital; Alumni of a State University in Sutrabaya are raising funds "Saweran Satus Ewuan" to purchase an ambulance or multi-purpose operational vehicle which can be used to pick up and pick up patients, supply food or medicine and even for vaccination purposes; a husband and wife couple in Bali created the "AkuforBali" movement to distribute and provide basic food assistance to residents who are undergoing self-isolation; A well-known restaurant and catering owner in the city of Semarang decided to make his food production free with the aim of helping self-isolation fighters meet their nutritional intake. The various actions to help the citizens mentioned above reflect that there are still many good people in this country who show that whatever gifts they currently have, whether fame, wealth, intelligence, expertise, skill, knowledge and other things contain a responsibility to expand their benefits.
Quoting the writings of my colleague Kusmulyono (2020) in his writing about The Power of Can't Not Do, in the book about Social Entrepreneurship, this action to help citizens cannot be separated from the enthusiasm to help their environment with the "power" they have, namely the power of love and the desire to help. fellow. In a simple sentence, The Power of Can't Not Do can be described as "if not us, who else". This sentence is very interesting because it provides unlimited energy to live out your desire to solve social problems according to your competence. Let's use the momentum of Eid al-Adha to make the spirit of ta'awun and tasamuh work together to support the government in reducing the number of infections and deaths due to Covid-19. With a spirit of mutual help and a spirit of tolerance in accordance with the gifts that each of us has, to realize Indonesia free from Covid-19 regardless of the diversity of society that occurs.
