The International Marketing course in Bachelor of Management FEB Unair creates an experience-based learning innovation. In this course, students are given the challenge of finding student correspondence from other countries. In the next stage, students are asked to examine consumer behavior from their foreign correspondence. Until then think about products that are considered suitable for marketing in the foreign students' home countries. The results of the observations and interviews were then presented in an International Seminar on Understanding Potential Business Around the World with their correspondence foreign students becoming a team of panelists, to respond to the results of the interviews and product proposals to be marketed.

So at the event on July 5 2021, students from FEB Unair Management, Malaysia, Brunei, Japan, Mexico and Australia gathered. Fully supervised by PJMK MK International Marketing, Dr Masmira Kurniawati and the team of Dr. Gancar C. Premananto.