Supervising Lecturer
Sri Gunawan, DBA.


PT. XYZ is one of the animal feed producing plants in Indonesia which was established in 1975 and currently has units located in 9 provinces. Indonesia is an agrarian country with potential livestock as the spearhead of the economy, this has an impact on the continuity of supply and demand from animal feed to be often unbalanced, therefore, PT. XYZ has a strategy to move its three production units in East Java to other regions in the same province so that supply and demand for livestock needs can be met. This factory location transfer application applies the Analytical Hirer Process (AHP) method, which is by weighting the specified criteria. The results of the research carried out result in a total unit A valuation of 0.40 or
40%, unit B is 0.46 or 46% and unit C gets a value of o, 12 or 12%.

Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process, Production Capacity, Unit Transfer, Transfer Strategy.

Source: analytic pt-xyz.html