Prof. Dr. Bambang Tjahjadi, SE, MBA., Ak.


The increasingly fierce competition in the era of globalization has had a considerable influence on the growth of business today, with the exception of the shipping design business. Increasingly tight competition is evidenced by the results of internal data processing at PT. AXZ recorded a decline in the percentage of the company's market share in the last 3 years starting from 2015 to 2017. On this basis, it was deemed necessary to analyze the company's resources and capabilities to be able to emerge the company's competitive advantage in facing competition in the shipping design industry.
This research was conducted using a qualitative approach with a resource based view method. This method was chosen because there is a process in finding the actual phenomenon that exists in PT. AXZ and become the basis for analyzing resources and capabilities that become the company's competitive advantage. The method of data collection used is through direct or indirect interviews. Indirect interviews were conducted by distributing questionnaires to several respondents. In the final stage, an analysis was carried out using the VRIO framework to find out the company's potential that could become a sustainable competitive advantage later. The VRIO Framework reveals four key parameters for resource-based analysis as a series of questions about the company's business activities that are valuable, rare, difficult to imitability, and organized.
Based on the analysis of competitive advantage using the resource based view approach at PT. AXZ that has been done through the identification of the value chain, the results obtained that the resources and capabilities owned by PT. AXZ in the entire value chain is as many as 41 sources and has the potential to be a competitive advantage for the company. Based on the results of the identification of the value chain above, then in the VRIO framework it was obtained that PT. AXZ has a source of competitive advantage in competitive price aspects. On the other hand, most of the company's resources and capabilities are only able to provide competitive advantages that are the same as competitors, but there are several resources and capabilities that are able to provide a competitive advantage at least in the future, namely hardware capacity and company software, informative company website, company experts, ability in good mentoring with customers, ability to establish cooperative relations with relations, and ability to conduct good training programs.

Keywords: shipping design, resource based view, competitive advantage, sustainable.

Source: http://mm.feb.unair.ac.id/id/kemahasiswaan/article/article-ilmiah/878-analysis-strategi-keunggulan-kompetitif-pt-axz-untuk-menghadapi-persaingan-maritime-industry. html