Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, SE., M.Sc.


Astra International (Group) believes that CSR is an integrated part of sustainable business strategies in which the business orientation does not only aim at the economy/profit, but also think of the impact on social and environment so as to guarantee the sustainability of their business as well as the future of human beings. Thus, the CSR is inserted in the organization's culture, vision, mission and implemented as an obligation throughout the Astra International group.
This research describes how the strategy and implementation of the sustainable CSR program at Astra International is, how the strategy of Astra International in getting a various number on awards of sustainable CSR is, and what strategy Astra International must do in the future to ensure the sustainable CSR programs are always possible to be implemented in the company regardless of the shuffling team in the Environment and Social Responsibility division. This research uses qualitative method.
Consistency, full support from the department, strong commitment, stable implementation system, and ceaseless attempts to perfect the sustainable CSR program of Astra International are the factors which support the development and the
sustainability of their business. Astra iternational has got various numbers of national and international recognition/awards regarding the implementation of the sustainable CSR program as the satisfying result from the implementation of this sustainable CSR.

Keywords : Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), The strategy and implementation analysis of Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Astra International.

Source: http://mm.feb.unair.ac.id/id/kemahasiswaan/article/article-ilmiah/823-analysis-strategi-dan-implementasi-sustainable-corporate-social-responsibility-csr-di-astra- international-2.html