Title: Factor Analysis of the Front Line Staff Performance Appraisal System at the Bali Regional Development Bank

Author: I. Gusti Lanang Suta Artatanaya

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



Human resources in a company need to be managed professionally to create a balance between employee needs and the demands and capabilities of the company organization. This balance is the main key for the company to be able to develop productively and fairly. Regional Development Bank (BPD) Bali intends to create a performance appraisal system that can truly make a positive contribution to the company's future development, and not implement a performance appraisal system that is felt to be merely paper work to complement human resource administration. In connection with the above, it is necessary to analyze further the factors that can be used as a basis for performance assessment and personnel decision making at BPD Bali. From the explanation above, the problem of this research can be formulated, namely what factors can be used as a basis for evaluating the performance of the front line staff of BPD Bali. Apart from the problem formulation above, this research aims to determine the factors that can be used in the performance appraisal system for the front line staff of BPD Bali and provide input for improving the performance appraisal system for the front line staff of BPD Bali. It is hoped that this research will also be useful for various parties, such as BPD Bali Management in making policies on human resources, researchers as relevant information material and adding to the literature in Human Resource Management, especially in the aspect of performance assessment. For perfection in analyzing and conducting discussions in this research, various theories and concepts from experts were used as the main basis. This theory and concept is Job Performance Assessment. Objectives of Job Performance Appraisal, Benefits of Job Performance Appraisal, Appraisal Aspects, Appraisal Methods, Performance Appraisal System Requirements, Performance Appraisal System Effectiveness, Customer Service, Main Elements of Customer Satisfaction in the Service Industry, Service Excellence, Service Quality and Factors that Influence Service Quality. The synthesis of the literature review above and the researcher's line of thinking gave rise to a research conceptual framework which was preceded by manifest variables which were reduced to latent variables (factors) which were then recommended as a performance assessment system for the front line staff of BPD Bali. To implement the conceptual framework above, this research requires several appropriate materials and research methods. The research uses a questionnaire as a research instrument to collect data whose validity and reliability have been tested. From the collected data, various analyzes were then carried out to obtain research findings which will be discussed further. The analyzes carried out were factor analysis, reliability analysis of measuring instruments, weighted average analysis and crosstab analysis. From the analysis of the research results above, research findings can be obtained which can be recommended as a basis for performance assessment for BPD Bali's front line staff, which consists of four main factors, namely: 1. Ability and Communication, 2. Action and Responsibility (Action). and Accountability), 3. Attitude and Appearance, 4. Attention. The findings of this research basically reflect the assessment system for front line staff for the service industry. It is evident from the discussion above that the findings of this research are in accordance with the theory or concept presented by service industry experts. With the findings of this research, it is hoped that it can increase the understanding of performance appraisal systems in Human Resource Management and provide guidelines for service company practitioners, especially in creating performance appraisal systems for front line staff, such as BPD Bali.


Keywords: Ability and Communication, Action and Accountability, Attitude and Appearance, Attention


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/35515/