Title: Proposal for Supplier Selection in Modern Retail Using the Analytic Networking Process (ANP) Method (Case Study of Ud. Nelayan Tools & Hardware)

Author: Muhammad Nur Arafat

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



The modern retail business in Indonesia is a promising business and is growing very rapidly in Indonesia. UD.Nelayan Tools & Hardware is one of the retailers in the city of Gresik whose sales volume shows an increase, but the company does not yet have standardization in determining supplier selection. Often there are problems related to suppliers because there are no standards in this selection. The researcher proposes determining criteria and applying them using the ANP model by collecting qualitative data, one of the multi-criteria decision making to carry out ANP selection in this research using super software introduced by Suaty. The results obtained were 1) 4 criteria were determined, namely delivery (0.52489), financial (0.29026), stock (0.11762), and service quality (0.06723). In implementing ANP, a hierarchical model was prepared which described the objectives of supplier selection at UD. Fisherman Tools & Hardware. The preparation of the linear hierarchy is carried out by determining the implementation objectives, after which the criteria and sub-criteria are determined in accordance with UD's needs. Fishermen's Tools & Hardware which is then assessed using a pairwise comparison matrix. From this matrix, a supermatrix limit analysis is obtained which contains the weights of criteria and sub-criteria.

Keywords: Supplier Selection; Analytical Network Process (ANP)


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/33682/