Title: The Influence of Regulatory Focus, Temporal Distance and Company Strategic Orientation on Company Decisions, Innovation and Imitation Strategies and Consequences on Company Performance

Author: Dini Ayuandari 

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



This research aims to determine the influence of strategic orientation when related to temporal distance and regulatory focus in selecting innovation, imitation and ambidextrous strategies and the consequences for company performance in the future. To test this, the researchers used an experiment between two studies by differentiating the independent variables for each study. The first study used experiments on differences in temporal distance and strategic orientation. Meanwhile, the second study uses regulatory focus and strategic orientation as independent variables. The second experiment in the study was carried out using the between subject method on 240 MM students Universitas Airlangga and Gajah Mada University as participants. The experimental results show that the main effects of temporal distance and strategic orientation can differentiate a company's imitation and innovation strategies. However, the interaction between temporal distance and strategic orientation does not make a significant difference between innovation and imitation strategies. In this research, it was found that regulatory focus also could not differentiate between the choice of innovation and imitation strategies, nor did its interaction with strategic orientation have a significant difference in strategy choice. This is most likely due to the very dynamic smartphone industry environment. Predictions of company performance are different in each study, in study 1 company performance was considered better when using an innovation strategy. Meanwhile, in the second study, ambidextrous were considered to have better company performance.

Keywords: temporal distance, strategic orientation, regulatory focus, imitation, innovation, ambidextrous, and firm performance


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/33615/