Title: The Effect of Financial and Non-Financial Compensation on Employee Performance Through Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable at the Olean Situbondo Sugar Factory

Author: Singgih Hariyanto

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



The research entitled: "The Influence of Financial and Non-Financial Compensation on Employee Performance Through Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable at the Situbondo Olean Sugar Factory" aims to find the effect of financial and non-financial compensation on employee performance through work motivation as an intervening variable at the Olean Sugar Factory Situbondo. The variables in this research are financial compensation (X1), non-financial compensation (X2), motivation (Z), and performance (Y). The data analysis method used is path analysis. With a significance level (α) = 5%. Testing was carried out using classical assumption tests and hypothesis tests. The population in the study was 177 and only 64 employees were taken as samples using a simple random sampling technique because the sampling of population members was carried out randomly without paying attention to the strata in the population. Based on the results of research using hypothesis testing, information was obtained that financial compensation and non-financial compensation had a partial effect on employee work motivation and employee performance at the Situbondo Olean Sugar Factory. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that the hypothesis which states, "there is an influence of financial compensation and non-financial compensation on employee work motivation and employee performance, and there is an influence of employee work motivation on employee performance at the Olean Situbondo Sugar Factory" is accepted. With the coefficient value of the financial compensation variable being 0.689 or 68.9% in the positive direction, the coefficient value of the non-financial compensation variable being 0.271 or 27.1% in the positive direction, the coefficient value of the financial compensation variable being 0.672 or 67.2% in the positive direction. , the coefficient value of the non-financial compensation variable is 0.243 or 24.3% in a positive direction, and the coefficient value of the employee work motivation variable is 0.900 or 90% in a positive direction.

Keywords: Financial Compensation, Non-Financial Compensation, Motivation, Performance


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/39207/