Title: Indonesian Productivity Growth: Evidence from the Manufacturing Sector in Indonesia

Authors: Lilik Sugiharti, Rudi Purwono, Martha Ranggi Primanthi and Miguel Angel Esquivias Padilla

Affiliations: Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities


This study estimates Technical efficiency (TE) and Total Factor Productivity (TFP) through a stochastic frontier analysis and decomposes growth into technological progress, technical efficiency change, and scale for the Indonesian manufacturing sector. Global economic slowdown characterizes the period of study (2007-2013), as well as peak and fall of commodity prices, massive global integration and development of a Master plan for Indonesia (MP3EI). This study looks at patterns of productivity as important sources of growth. Results are aggregated based on technological intensity, firm size, capital/output ratio, labor skills, and location. The findings show that companies perform differently as those factors vary, and while larger companies are more efficient, smaller ones have higher rates of TFP growth, mainly through technological progress and scale. The TFP had moved from initial negative levels to positive ones. Firms with low technology, low capital/output ratio, and more skilled workers have the highest TFP.

Keywords: Indonesia, manufacturing industry, technical change, total factor productivity, technical efficiency

Sources: http://www.pertanika.upm.edu.my/cspecial_issues.php?jtype=3&journal=JSSH-25-S-11