Title: The Effect of Role Conflict on Work Stress Through Mediating Uncertainty and Job Satisfaction of Bank Rakyat Indonesia Employees Sidoarjo Branch Office

Author: Mohammad Anung Edy Nugroho

Affiliations : Master of Management Science Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



This research aims to determine the effect of role conflict on work stress by using the mediation of uncertainty and job satisfaction. The formulation of the problem studied is (1) Does role conflict influence employee work stress, (2) Does role conflict influence employee uncertainty, (3) Does uncertainty influence employee job satisfaction, (4) Does job satisfaction influence job stress? employees, (5) Does role conflict influence work stress through uncertainty and job satisfaction. The research object is PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Sidoarjo Branch Office. The type of research is quantitative research with research variables: Role Conflict (X), Uncertainty (Z1), Job Satisfaction (Z2) and Job Stress (Y). The sampling technique in this research was carried out using the census method, namely the entire population was sampled. The research sample was all 63 employees of Bank BRI Sidoarjo Branch Office. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire which is distributed to respondents who are the research sample. The data analysis method used to answer the research objectives is Path Analysis. The results of the analysis show that (1) Role conflict has a positive and significant effect on job stress, (2) Role conflict has a positive and significant effect on uncertainty, (3) Uncertainty has a negative and significant effect on job satisfaction, (4) Job satisfaction has a negative and significant effect on work stress, (5) The variables of uncertainty and job satisfaction cannot intervene in the influence of role conflict on work stress. The conclusion obtained is that the first hypothesis to the fourth hypothesis proposed turns out to be all supported. This indicates that role conflict can have a direct effect on work stress and an indirect effect through uncertainty and job satisfaction.

Keywords: Role Conflict, Uncertainty, Job Satisfaction and Job Stress


Sources:  http://repository.unair.ac.id/38425/