Title: Analysis of Problems and Solutions for Shrimp Farming Business Development in Islamic Economics Review

Author: Tamimah

Affiliations : Master of Economics Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



The potential for shrimp farming in Madura has quite large opportunities, but on the other hand there are still various problems to be faced. This research aims to analyze the problems that occur in the development of shrimp farming businesses by looking at the priority problems and most important solutions. So this research provides an evaluation for the local government to continue to synergize in formulating strategies for developing shrimp farming businesses in Madura. The data in this research was obtained based on the results of questionnaires and in-depth interviews from nine experts consisting of three categories, namely, the Indonesian Ulema Council, practitioners and regulators. The method used uses the Analytic Network Process (ANP) approach. The research results show that based on the results of the study from literature reviews and expert validation, the problems in the shrimp farming business consist of environmental, social and economic problems. Based on the results processed using superdecision, it shows that the most important priority problems in the development of shrimp farming businesses are environmental problems, and social and economic problems have the same value, where these problems are considered equally important for the development of shrimp farming businesses in Madura.

Keywords: Economic, Social, Environmental, Analytic Network Process


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/101131