Title: The Influence of Infrastructure Development on Economic Growth in Papua

Author: Siti Munawaroh

Affiliations : Master of Economics Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



Infrastructure development is evidence of the development of a region or region. This research aims to analyze the influence of infrastructure development on economic growth in Papua. The method used is unbalanced panel data regression, the infrastructure variables used in this research are road infrastructure, education infrastructure and health infrastructure. This research also adds other variables, namely government investment which is proxied by capital expenditure, labor, human capital which is proxied using the human development index. The research results show that health infrastructure, government investment and human capital have a significant effect on economic growth in Papua. The insignificant influence on economic growth is shown by the road infrastructure, education infrastructure and labor variables. This proves that the acceleration of development carried out by the government is not optimal, but in fact the acceleration of development has a personal influence on each region in Papua.

Keywords: Infrastructure Development, Human Capital, Economic Growth, Panel Data Regression


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/103900