Title: Determinants of Time to Look for Work and Time to Prepare a Business in Indonesia

Author: Hendri Cahyo Dwi Safitri

Affiliations : Master of Economics Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga


This research aims to analyze the influence of education level, job training, work experience, marital status, age, gender, and residence classification on the length of time looking for work and the time of preparing a business in Indonesia. The total unit of analysis used was 50,724 individuals from the August 2018 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) data collected by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The analytical method used is Survival Analysis with Cox Regression. The characteristics of individuals in the workforce who are looking for work are dominated by high school graduates, never had any job training, no work experience, never married, male, aged 15-29 years, and live in urban areas. On the other hand, the characteristics of individuals in the workforce who are preparing for business are dominated by high school graduates, have never attended job training, have work experience, are married, female, aged ≥30 years, and live in urban areas. The survival rate results show that preparing a business tends to be more effective in changing a person's status (from unemployed status to working status) compared to looking for work. Testing using Cox regression shows that education level, work experience, marital status, gender, age, and residence classification have a significant effect on the length of time looking for work in Indonesia. Apart from that, education level, marital status, gender, and residence classification have a significant effect on the length of time it takes to prepare a business in Indonesia.

Keywords: Unemployment, Long Time Looking for Work, Long Time Preparing a Business, Cox Regression, Survival Analysis


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/103904