Title : Analysis of Mental Health of Human Resources in Indonesia (Analysis of Village Potential Data for 2014 and 2018)

Author : Dearossi Hani Khoirunissa
Universitas Airlangga

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)




The mental health of human resources plays an important role because the quality of human resources is an input for the production process. Mental health problems will have a negative impact, not only on individuals but also on the economy. The increasing trend in mental health problems in Indonesia from 2013 to 2018 is the reason why there is a need for research on factors that can influence individual mental health. This research aims to determine the influence of topographic factors, poverty conditions, cultural and environmental quality in rural areas on the number of people experiencing mental health problems. Data analysis uses regional map descriptions and pooled cross section analysis using the Robust Standard Error method. The research uses Podes micro data for 2014 and 2018 by BPS. The research results show that mental health problems tend to increase even though there is no intervention from other variables. The poverty condition variable can be proxied through three variables, namely the number of residents suffering from malnutrition, the number of SKTMs issued by the village/sub-district, and the dummy for the existence of slum settlements. Cultural variables can be proxied through religious diversity. Water and air pollution in rural areas has been proven to increase the chances of mental health problems.

Keywords: Mental Health, Human Resources, Podes, Pooled Cross Section


Source : http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/103942