Title : Does Better Off and Better Trust To Government Level Increase Individual Participation in Politics?

Author : Andi Ahmad Mardinsyah
Universitas Airlangga

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)




This research aims to analyze the relationship between poverty and trust in the government on individual decisions to vote in general elections. The government is represented by the president and legislature. Data obtained from the 2014 National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) Social Resilience Module (Hansos). The observation unit is the Indonesian population who are entitled to take part in general elections based on law and are not members of the TNI or Polri, covering 71,049 households. This research uses two models. First, binary probit regression is used to analyze the determinants of trust in the government. Second, probit regression with instrument variables is used to see the influence of poverty and trust in the government on individual decisions to vote in elections. From the first model, the results show that all independent variables have a significant effect on feelings of trust in the government, except for individual employment status. Individuals with education and spending above average (better off) tend to distrust the government. It is suspected that this occurred due to disappointment with the government's performance. From the second model, the results show that poverty and trust in the government influence individual decisions to vote in elections. Poverty makes individuals not vote in elections. Likewise, established individuals tend not to vote in elections. The higher the sense of trust, the greater the individual's opportunity to vote in the election.

Keywords: poverty, trust in the government, general elections, probit regression, instrument variables


Source : http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/97995