Title : Analysis of the Influence of Education Level on Rural-Urban Migration, Migration for Work, and Migration for Education
Author : Achintya Widhi Adnyani
Universitas Airlangga
Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)
Educational level is one of the factors that influences rural-urban migration. There are two reasons individuals undertake rural-urban migration, namely work reasons and educational reasons. This research aims to examine and analyze the influence of demographic, social and economic characteristics on individuals' opportunities to migrate from villages to cities. Apart from that, this research also analyzes the factors that influence the reasons for rural-urban migration for work and continuing education. This research uses data from the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) 5 years 2014. Logit regression analysis shows that age, gender, number of household members, marital status, income, agricultural land ownership, and home ownership status significantly influence an individual's opportunity to commit suicide. rural-urban migration. Meanwhile, educational level does not statistically significantly influence an individual's opportunity to migrate from rural to urban areas. The percentage of migrant individuals is dominated by individuals aged middle age (26-45 years) (61.29 percent), women (64.63 percent), higher income, do not own agricultural land (81.74 percent), unmarried (80 .43 percent), and home ownership status, renting or renting (53.36 percent). Reasons for migration for work are influenced by gender, number of household members, education level completing D1-S3, marital status, income and ownership of agricultural land. Meanwhile, reasons for migration for education are influenced by age, level of education completed D1-S3, marital status, and ownership of agricultural land.
Keywords: Rural-Urban Migration, Migration for Work, Migration for Education