Title: Islamic Model of Corporate Governance at The Islamic Boarding School

Authors: Fatin Fadhilah Hasib 1 , Sri Iswati 1 , Hartutik 2 , and Dwi Swasana Ramadhan 1

Affiliations : 1. Airlangga University, St. Airlangga No. 4-6, 60115, Surabaya, Indonesia; 2. Jakarta Muhammadiyah University, St KH. Ahmad Dahlan, 15419, South Jakarta, Indonesia

Publisher: Journal of Business and Economics Review (JBER)



Objective –The aim of the paper is to investigate whether traditional management, is the Islamic boarding school has implemented the Islamic Corporate Governance

Methodology/Technique – This research is a qualitative study using case study. Key Informant in this research is the General Secretary of Bahrul Ulum Foundation. The analysis technique used is the technique belonging to Yin (2009) that divides three techniques for the analysis of case studies: the pairing pattern analysis technique, the technique of making the explanation, the time series analysis technique.

Findings – The findings indicate that in its implementation, corporate governance at Islamic boarding school is based on the value of Tawhid. Furthermore, the principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence and fairness become the corporate governance principles at an Islamic boarding school. Research Implications: This study uses only one boarding school. Future studies are expected to examine more than one boarding school to obtain mixed results.

Novelty – Based on the findings, the study suggests the ICG formulation will be found appropriate for every boarding school in Indonesia.

Type of Paper : Empirical

Keywords: Corporate Governance (CG); Bahrul Ulum Boarding School; Islamic Corporate Governance (ICG); Management; Organizational Structure.

Sources: http://gatrenterprise.com/GATRJournals/pdf_files/JBER%20Vol%202 (1)%20Mar.%202017/7.%20Fatin%20Fadhilah%20Hasib-JBER%20Vol%202(1)-CIBSSR-00582. pdf