M. Madyan, Himmatul Kholidah, Dina Fitrisia S, Nisful Laila

Airlangga University, INDONESIA

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26740/bisma.v7n2.p101-106



God encourages humans to walk on the Earth or travel (rihlah) in order to extend insights, to see the greatness and Majesty of God and to increase their Faith. This research aims to study how economic impacts of Sharia tourism in the Sunan Ampel Mosque Surabaya to the business activities surrounding that area. The economic impact of tourism to a certain area consists of direct economic impact, indirect economic impact and induced impact.

The research method used descriptive qualitative approach. The data collection was collected by interview and observation process. The informants in this study are people who are involved in tourism activities of travelers, traders and workers who work in Sunan Ampel Mosque Surabaya. Analytical techniques are used to reduce, to present, to conclude and to verify the data.

The result is the existence of religious tourism of Sunan Ampel Mosque Surabaya giving the economic impact for the community around. Direct economic impacts increase the income of traders, by 44 percent. The indirect economic impact shown with labors' wages of 8.2 percent and induced impact of labor expenses at tourist sites is used the most for food consumptions.



the economic impact; revenue; Islamic tourism