– Many people say that life is competition, so in the form of television broadcasts competition programs such as American / Indonesian Idol , Miss Universe / Indonesia , Indonesian Dangdut Contest (KDI) and other auditions appear. These television shows are basically miniature forms/models that depict human life in general. In this mini form, the 1st place winner is everything, while those who don't win are just losers.

In everyday life, competition also appears when we look for schools for our children and look for jobs for ourselves, even to find a partner. Competition even occurs during the fertilization process (Anwar, 2012):

"Who has the "right" to fertilize this egg also requires intense competition. The remaining sperm will compete with each other to penetrate the egg cell wall. What can I do, elbows and elbows occur to fight for the championship title."

If you only look at this process, it could be that the statement that humans were created from the beginning to compete fiercely, even to 'nudge' each other, is correct. However, if you look closely, the fertilization process is not that simple. Based on information from Harun Yahya (2007), the following interesting information was obtained:

“Professor Cevat Babuna, former dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Istanbul University, explains the special design of this sperm as follows:

'Sperm cells are made in the father's body. But the function of sperm is carried out in the mother's body. And since this world began, in other words in the history of mankind, no sperm has had the opportunity to return home to the father's body after carrying out its work in the mother's body, and then say to the cells that made it about what they have done, what difficulties they faced, or what their tasks were.

So if that's the case, how do sperm cells have a structure that is so different from all the thousands of other types of cells in the body?

How does a sperm cell know that it will transport the genetic load it takes from its father's body to another body which will then make it live, so that the head, namely the front part, must have protection?

How does a sperm cell know that it will penetrate the cell membrane so that it also carries a number of chemical weapons installed behind its protection?

So, you know that it is impossible that all the structures in this cell, the tasks it performs, the various events it experiences are a coincidence, it does them by chance, or even that it consciously does all this over and over again. This is the clearest proof of how Allah, the Creator, has given him this task, and how he has carried it out in the most perfect manner.'

The amazing design in sperm design itself is a miracle of creation. About 250 million sperm at one time are sent to the mother's womb. This figure is deliberately set high, because as soon as these sperm enter the mother's body, they find themselves faced with deadly danger. There is a concentrated mixture of acids in the mother's reproductive organs which inhibits the growth of bacteria. This acidic mixture is also deadly to sperm. In just a few minutes, the uterine wall is covered with millions of dead sperm. Several hours later, most of the 250 million sperm will die. This acid compound, which is very important for the mother's health, is so powerful that it can easily kill all sperm that enter the uterus. In this event, fertilization cannot occur, and the human race will become extinct.

However, Allah, who created sperm, also created precautions against the dangers that sperm would encounter in the mother's womb. When sperm is being produced in the father's body, an alkaline compound is added to the fluid containing the sperm. This compound reduces the effect of acid in the mother's womb. "Because of this, a number of sperm escape into the mother's uterus and manage to reach the entrance to the fallopian tube."

Based on the description above, the fertilization process is not a process that smells of cruel and mutually deadly competition. Millions of sperm die, intended to provide a safe journey for other sperm so they can arrive at their destination safely. Thus, in the fertilization process there is a process of mutual support to achieve goals.

Therefore, in life, we should not engage in mutually deadly competition. We should help each other to achieve common goals and happiness. Even if there is competition, then the competition is to compete to do good to each other. This is in accordance with the information contained in QS Al Baqarah: 148 below:

So compete (in doing) good. ” (QS Al Baqarah: 148)

Life is not about 'Competing' but 'Co-existing' or even 'Co- creation ', that's what makes our life beautiful .

Author: Dr. Gancar C. Premananto

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