Organization Visit 2025 is a work program of the PR/IT division which is part of the Webs Visit activity that aims to expand the reach of relations, inspiration, and innovation. The main activity of the Organization Visit in the form of a visit to an active entrepreneurial organization at the University level, namely the Techno Entrepreneur Club (TEC) of the Bandung Institute of Technology. During this visit, Webs and TEC will describe the grand design of each organization, then later each division will share the culture, work programs, and experiences of each organization to get new inspiration. Organization Visit 2025 will be held in the city of Bandung on April 27, 2025 and followed by all members of the Airlangga Unair.

Through this activity, the UNAIR website has the aim of developing an organization in a more progressive direction and becoming a sustainable organization. That is because this activity can expand relations and exchange of insight. Thus, the development of entrepreneurship skills and member innovation of each organization, especially the Universitas Airlanggawebsite, which is in line with SDGs 17, "Partnership to achieve goals". Later, after the Organization Visit 2025 activity, the UNAIR website can continue to establish partners with the organization that we visit and collaborate and other innovations.