ACCOUNTAX is one of a series of events from TAXPLORE 2020 organized by the Fiscal Administration Study Group, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (KOSTAF FIA UI). This year, TAXPLORE carries the grand theme, namely "Fiscal Resilience in Indonesia: An Economic and Mitigation Perspective". ACCOUNTAX is a tax accounting competition that can be participated in by students from all state or private universities/institutes/high schools at D1/D2/D3/D4/S1 level in Indonesia. Each team consists of three members.

ACCOUNTAX – TAXPLORE 2020 was held on 24, 26 – 28 November 2020 via online platforms, namely Zoom and Google Meets. Activities started with a virtual company visit to the Indonesian Ministry of Finance on November 24, then on November 26 there was an opening ceremony as well as a technical meeting. The ACCOUNTAX – TAXPLORE 2020 competition was held on November 27. This competition consists of 2 rounds, namely the multiple tax round and the final round. In the multiple tax round, each team member will work on 50 multiple choice questions in 90 minutes individually. The 5 teams with the highest points qualify for the next round, namely the final round. In the final round, each team was given one case question to complete within 90 minutes. The three teams with the highest scores will win 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. On November 28, a national seminar was held which aims to discuss the latest tax issues in order to increase knowledge and insight regarding taxation. In the evening, continued with awards night. This session is the closing session and winner announcement. The result was that the BOLPEN team from Universitas Airlangga succeeded in obtaining the ACCOUNTAX 2020 Runner-Up title which was included in the TAXPLORE 2020 series