artsense feb unairIn today's rapidly developing digital era, millennials are required to have skills that are relevant to current developments. Diverse social media demands special skills that can support their future. For this reason, the MOSAIC FEB UNAIR Media and Public Relations Bureau organizes a program called Art Sense.

Art Sense is graphic design training carried out online via Zoom. This training also aims to support da'wah and is in line with the 4th goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely quality education. Indicators of quality education include active, creative and fun learning. In this training, participants will gain knowledge about design that is very necessary today, both for products and platforms. It is hoped that participants can apply this knowledge in their graphic design work.

This program not only supports SDGs 4 regarding quality education but can also be linked to SDGs 8, namely decent work and economic growth. Through this training, participants are expected to develop skills that are relevant for the job market, increase their chances of getting a decent job, and contribute to economic growth through the design skills they master.