In the era of the rapidly developing digital world like now, millennials really need skills that must be possessed by today. Moreover, social media is very diverse in form. We need skills that can support us in the future. With this, the Multimedia Design and Public Relations Bureau MOSAIC FEB UNAIR is organizing a work program which is certainly very useful for the general public, namely Art Sense.

Art Sense is a training activity related to graphic design and can also be useful for carrying out da'wah which will be carried out online via zoom meetings. In line with one of the goals of the 4th Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely quality education. Indicators of quality education include an active, creative and fun learning process. In this event, participants will gain design knowledge which is of course very much needed nowadays, whether designing a product or platform. In this activity, it is hoped that participants will be able to apply this knowledge in graphic design.