The 2022 Islamic Days event with the theme "Ukhuwah Unite to be Gold" is a series of 2 (two) different events, namely:

  1. MOSAIC Islamic Competition (MIC) 

This year's MOSAIC Islamic Competition will hold a podcast videography competition in the form of audio recordings displayed through interesting videos to increase the opportunity for preaching in the current digital era. This podcast videography competition has a big theme, namely "Contribution of Muslim Youth in Responding to Global Issues". The videography podcast that is being contested will be collected through a committee and will only have one round. The target participants for this event are students at high school and equivalent levels, university students throughout Indonesia, and the general public who are individuals or groups with a maximum of two people. Through this event, it is hoped that participants will be able to foster competitiveness in doing good and train participants to improve their public speaking skills to have the courage to preach in public. Apart from that, students can get to know more closely and develop a sense of pride in Islam.

b. Islamic Studies Faculty of Economics and Business (SIMFONI)

Islamic Studies Faculty of Economics and Business (SIMFONI) is Tabligh Akbar which is included in a series of Islamic Days 2022 events which serve as the peak and closing event. This Tabligh Akbar event was held offline at the Nuruzzaman Mosque, Campus B, Universitas Airlangga . This event will present a famous Ustadz who is expected to be close to students and the community. At the end of the event there was an award for the implementation of MIC. So it is hoped that the theme of Islamic Days 2022 can be conveyed well and can implement Islamic values ​​in carrying out daily life in order to achieve a strong and strong Islamic brotherhood among Muslims.



The target participants for this activity are Muslims, both Universitas Airlangga students, other universities, high school students and the general public.