The Basic Fiqh Class is a Syiar agenda which will discuss basic fiqh in the form of a class held regularly once a week which aims to educate Universitas Airlangga students, especially Universitas Airlangga FEB students, to understand the basic laws of fiqh themselves.

This Basic Fiqh Class event is a series of activities in the form of online classes which aims to educate the general public, especially FEB UNAIR students about the values ​​and knowledge of the Legal Basis of Fiqh Science. This event was attended by speakers from academic circles and ustadz who discussed a theme regarding Basic Fiqh Science. This event is held regularly every Saturday afternoon via the G-meet application. This class is also held to coincide with the month of Ramadan so that to fill the time before breaking the fast, participants can take this Basic Fiqh class. 

This Basic Fiqh Class activity will be held for the first time on Saturday, April 3 2021 with the speaker Ustadz Kadarusman, M.Ag.


  1. Strengthening the aqidah, morals and tsaqofah of FEB students. 
  2. Strengthening Islamic brotherhood among FEB UNAIR students.
  3. Grounding the spirit of da'wah at FEB UNAIR.

The target participants for this activity are Muslim students of FEB UNAIR and Muslim students Universitas Airlangga .