Karimah Akbar 2020 small

Karimah Akbar is the largest Muslim work program from MOSAIC FEB
Unair. Karimah Akbar is also a forum and provision for
Muslim women so that Muslim women have guidance and knowledge in
carrying out their daily activities.
Muslim women have been a source of strength for the Islamic religion since the time of
the Prophet and his companions. This can be proven by the many stories of great women
who, with their resilience, intelligence and strength of heart, were able to
bring Islam to our time. For example, sayyidatii Khadijah,
Aisyah, and others.
Likewise in this era, where all the sophisticated technology can be put to
good use by Muslim women. The population is so large all over the earth,
this makes women have their own power in religion. A figure who
can be a role model and teacher for the next generation must really
have qualities so that they can be passed on to the next generation.
Karimah Akbar 2020 was held on November 14 2020 via Zoom
Virtual Meeting with the first speaker, Izzatur Rifdah Ismail, Lc and
the second speaker, Dyah Sania Artiwi. The theme raised at Karimah Akbar
2020 was the Role of Muslim Women in the Midst of a Pandemic: Maintaining Your Immunity and Faith in Yourself and
Your Family. The total number of participants was 105 people.