Cooperative Meeting 2024Surabaya, 2 March 2024 The Student Cooperative of the Faculty of Economics and Business (KOPMEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a 2024 Cooperative Revenue and Expenditure Budget Planning Meeting (RAPBK) on Saturday, 2 March 2024. This activity was attended by all administrators, supervisors and KOPMEB member 2024.

The event began with the presentation of draft work programs and budgets by each division in KOPMEB for the 2024 period.

After the presentation, the 2024 RAPBK participants discussed and provided input regarding the work program and budget that had been proposed. The discussion took place enthusiastically and resulted in several important points for improving the work program and budget.

Chair of KOPMEB 2024, Laura Fika, said that the aim of holding the 2024 RAPBK was to inform all KOPMEB members about the planned activities and budget that would be implemented during one management period.

"With the ratification of this work program and budget, it is hoped that KOPMEB 2024 can carry out its programs well and achieve the goals that have been set," said the Chair of KOPMEB 2024.

The 2024 RAPBK activity is a form of KOPMEB's commitment to running the organization in a transparent and accountable manner. By involving all members in the process of preparing work programs and budgets, it is hoped that KOPMEB can continue to develop and provide benefits to its members


#Working Harmony, Prosperous Cooperative
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