coaching design feb unairThe Economics Doctoral Student Association initiated the activity "Coaching Design for Article Writing and Scopus Publication on Economics" on Tuesday-Wednesday, 16-17 July 2024 by presenting resource person Dr.Miguel Angel Esquivias Padilla, MSE, who is a Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Universitas Airlangga ,
Mengigat In today's rapidly developing information era, scientific literature has become one of the most valuable sources of knowledge for researchers, academics and practitioners in various fields. However, with the number of publications increasing every year, navigating and filtering relevant information is becoming increasingly challenging. Scopus Article Writing and Publication Design in Economics is a method of writing scientific articles that are worthy of publication in reputable Scopus journals. This method allows researchers to understand in depth the latest developments, trends, key findings and gaps in scientific literature.
The importance of design for writing articles and publications in the field of Economics is widely recognized, limitations in understanding and practical skills in applying it are still a problem for most researchers and students in the field of Economics. Most existing couching still focuses on traditional approaches, without providing adequate understanding of specific methodologies and techniques.
Therefore, holding Scopus Article Writing and Publication Design Couching in Economics is relevant and important to improve the quality of research and understanding in various fields of science, especially Economics. This training will provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to carry out the Design of Writing Articles and Scopus Publications in the Economic Sector well, as well as using this method in order to improve the quality and relevance of research. Students will gain an understanding of:
1. Determining Various Gaps and Novelties related to the field of economics
2. Making Quantitative and Qualitative Instruments
3. Academic Writing Techniques
4. Strategies for Finding & Selecting Reputable International Journal Publishers in the Economics Field that are Zero Budget, Affordable and Safe (Predator Free) , Cloning, and Hijacked Journal) are for research/dissertation.
This activity helps master good and correct academic writing techniques so that research results can be communicated effectively to scientific audiences. Apart from that, this activity also helps researchers make new contributions to the field of science being researched. Lastly, this activity also provides information on how to choose publication targets in internationally reputable journals so that research results can be widely accessed and provide real impacts and benefits for the development of science.