connect feb unairThis activity is the closing event for the management period of the MIE Student Association (HIMA MIE) for 2023/2024 as well as a means of familiarization between Master of Economics (MIE) students within the Master of Economics Study Program. This event was held on:

Day, date : Sunday, 01 December 2024
Time : 14.30-18.00 WIB
Location : Bento Coffee Ngaggel, Surabaya

This event was attended by 18 Master of Economics students as well as the Head of the Master of Economics Study Program, who also accompanied and provided guidance . This activity consists of several main agendas designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of HIMA MIE's performance during one period and as a platform to welcome the next management period.
The first agenda begins with a Work Program Report (Proker) from the HIMA MIE management which has been running for one year. In this report, each division provides an in-depth explanation of the activities that have been carried out, the challenges they have faced, and the achievements they have achieved. Apart from that, there is a financial report that explains the outflow and inflow of funds during the management period, in order to provide transparency to all HIMA MIE members. The final report is related to the application for funding for MIE student delegations entering HIMA.
The second agenda is the Evaluation and Discussion Session. In this session, students together with administrators and Heads of Study Programs held open discussions regarding various aspects of HIMA MIE management that need to be improved or improved. This discussion aims to explore various constructive input to improve organizational effectiveness in the next period. The participants also shared experiences related to their academic activities and campus life as Master of Economics students.
To strengthen relationships between students and relieve tension from formal sessions, this event was continued with fun game activities. This activity is designed to increase solidarity, familiarity and a spirit of togetherness between students and administrators, with various light but entertaining games. This game also provides an opportunity for participants to interact with each other in a more relaxed atmosphere.
The event ended with a closing session, where the new prospective successor to HIMA MIE gave hope for the organization's progress in the future. The entire activity aims to strengthen relations between MIE students, provide space for discussion and evaluation of HIMA management, and strengthen the family spirit within the Master of Economics environment. With this activity, it is hoped that MIE students will become more solid in establishing academic and social relationships, and HIMA MIE can continue to develop and make a positive contribution to mutual progress in the coming period.

Appendix 1: Documentation link

Appendix 2: Activity Pamphlet