DiagnosisWomen Empowerment in Corporation: An Islamic Economics Perspective

The Scientific Division of the Student Association of Masters in Islamic Economics (Hima S2 MSEI) organizes the "Diagnosis" program (religious, economic, and social issues). This program is an academic discussion forum that aims to discuss and analyze the latest issues related to religious and economic aspects in society, with the main focus on the role and contribution of women in the world of corporations from the perspective of Islamic economics.
In an effort to present a credible and broad-minded perspective, this event will present speakers from various fields, one of which is Kak Namira Samir from Unicef ​​who will share insight and experience in handling social and economic issues, especially related to women's empowerment.
Diagnosis also supports the realization of SDG's 4: Quality Education, which focuses on quality education to arouse public interest in the latest issues, Hima MSEI held an academic discussion forum. This seminar is open to the public and free. It is hoped that this activity can provide a better understanding for the community about the importance of women's contributions in the corporate world from the perspective of Islamic economics. Thus, the effectiveness of the implementation of work programs can be improved, and the benefits can be felt by all FEB Airlangga students.