m store feb unairM-Store is the agenda of the HIMA S1 Management Business Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, which aims to introduce the FEB Unair S1 Management Study Program more widely to the public, as well as as a forum for raising HIMA operational funds, through the production and sale of Unair management-themed merchandise.

M-Store is a place for Bachelor of Management students to show their identity, namely through unique and quality merchandise, Unair Management students can express their pride and love for their study program, Building Branding for Bachelor of Management FEB Unair as a study program that is innovative and close to students. Also, increasing solidarity by wearing M-Store merchandise, students feel more connected to each other and form a solid community.feb unair store management

As a step to support the SDGs 4 goal, namely quality education, M-Store provides opportunities for students to be directly involved in various business management processes starting from planning, product design, production, to marketing.

Apart from that, M-Store also supports SDGS 17, namely Partnerships to achieve goals, where M-Store opens up opportunities to partner or collaborate with external parties such as MSME vendors, convections and printing. This partnership is expected to be able to support a more inclusive and sustainable business ecosystem.

M-Store has a unique design, guaranteed quality and affordable prices. The design was made directly by Bachelor of Management students.

This year mstore opened two batches, the first batch produced Varsity jackets, keychains and totebags with a classic and elegant retro theme. Meanwhile, batch two produced stickers and notebooks with a cheerful and colorful pop art theme.

M-Store is not just an ordinary agenda, but also a movement to build identity and pride for FEB Unair Bachelor of Management students. With attractive designs and guaranteed quality, M-Store has succeeded in becoming a trendsetter among students. Through M-Store, it is hoped that students will grow to love their study program and contribute actively to the development of HIMA.