Universitas Airlangga mcare feb unairUndergraduate Management Student Association (HIMA) has once again demonstrated its social care through social service activities entitled Management Cares (M-CARES). This activity is one of the routine programs held by HIMA S1 Management as a form of community service, especially for those who need more attention, such as orphaned children.
On September 1 2024 at 15.30, Management Cares chose the BJ Habibie Orphanage as the main location for activities. This orphanage is known as a place that cares for and guides orphaned children with great love, and prepares them for a brighter future.
The Management Cares event series includes various interactive and educational activities. The students interact directly with the children, play together, and provide learning materials specifically designed to increase knowledge and strengthen the children's character. Apart from that, the students also provided assistance in the form of cash and basic necessities.
One of the most memorable moments was the story sharing session, where the orphanage children shared their life experiences, accompanied by moral support from the students. This activity succeeded in creating a warm and friendly atmosphere, as well as strengthening emotional ties between students and children.
In closing, HIMA S1 Management handed over donations that had been collected from various parties, including students, lecturers and other donors. It is hoped that the donation will help the orphanage's operations and support the children's needs in the long term.
This Management Cares activity not only provides benefits for the children at the BJ Habibie Orphanage, but is also a valuable experience for the students. They learn to be more sensitive to the social conditions around them and realize the importance of taking an active role in helping others.
Through this activity, HIMA S1 Management shows that social concern is not just a discourse, but must be realized in real action. Hopefully this activity can continue and provide inspiration for more people to get involved in social activities that are beneficial to society.