Education student visit feb unairThrough Collaboration: Reflections from "Students Association Visit Universitas Airlangga Management This is reflected in the Student Association Visit HIMA Management activity with HIMA Accounting Universitas Airlangga which was held on March 16 2024.
This activity, with the theme "Exploring Joint Opportunities and Challenges between Student Organizations in Innovation in Weaving the Future", became a forum for HIMA Management and HIMA Accounting to exchange ideas and build collaboration in various fields.
The Students Association Visit activities carried out support the development of SDGs number 4, namely Quality Education.
Several important points are in line with SDG 4 Quality Education:
- Strengthening Cooperation and Collaboration: This activity encourages collaboration between student organizations in designing innovative and beneficial educational programs for students.
- 21st Century Skills Development: Sharing sessions, LGDs and games were held to train participants' critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills.
- Character and Values ​​Development: This activity fosters the values ​​of cooperation, tolerance and mutual respect between student organizations.
- Increasing Access to Education: Collaboration between student organizations can help increase access to education for all groups, including marginalized groups.
The activity "Students Association Visit HIMA Universitas Airlangga With a spirit of collaboration and innovation, student organizations can contribute to building a brighter future for the nation.


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