The annual event for the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Management Expo is being held again. Universitas Airlangga Stock Exchange Competition (UASTEC) is one of the sub-events that will be held in this series of events. UASTEC is a stock and capital market competition that can be participated in by SMA/K and equivalent students throughout Indonesia. This year UASTEC carries a big theme, namely "Empowering Young Investors: Unlocking the Potential of Youth for Global Economic Sustainability" as an effort to mobilize the investment interest of the younger generation in Indonesia in order to support the sustainability of the national economy.
UASTEC 2023 is related to SDGs number 8, namely Decent Work and Economic Growth. Decent work and good economic growth are among the goals that must be achieved. As future leaders of the nation, Indonesia's young generation, especially students, have a responsibility to make this happen.
Data shows that 10.3 million of Indonesia's total population of 273.8 million are investors. Even though it is considered a high number, in fact the percentage of investors in Indonesia is only 3.76% of the total population. It is also still behind neighboring countries such as Singapore (16.2%) and Malaysia (8.7%). Therefore, HIMA S1 Management will hold UASTEC 2023 which is a stock investment simulation competition in the capital market for high school/vocational school and equivalent students. This competition is aimed at increasing knowledge about investment and providing a forum for providing direct experience of buying and selling shares for students.
For further information, please kindly check our social media:
Instagram : @mexpo.uastec2023
Tiktok : @mexpo.uastec
Contact person:
Yusnia 081231029064 (ID Line: yusniaismatulh)
Lestari 085691759753 (ID Line: pelaisyuanaa)
-HIMA UNAIR S1 Management