In pursuing education at higher education, students are required to have skills and creativity in conveying their thoughts and ideas. For this reason, writing scientific papers is one of the basic things that students must master. Moreover, this ability will continue to be used for the benefit of students, one of which is the final thesis assignment which is a graduation requirement.

In order to foster the soft skills and creativity of Universitas Airlangga Bachelor of Management students in the field of writing, Universitas Airlangga Management HIMA is planning an "M-Writing" program. M-Writing is one of the programs organized by HIMA S1 Management, Universitas Airlangga in the form of scientific writing training which is packaged in the form of a workshop with an implementation period of one day with a series of events. This year M-Writing carries the theme "Getting Ready for Essay Competition" where the topic that will be discussed is essay competition.

Very interesting, right? Come on, for those of you Management residents who are interested in the world of writing, you can really join the M-Writing 2021 event!!


HIMA UNAIR S1 Management