Social service is an activity that manifests a sense of humanity between fellow humans. With the social service activities held by HIMA, Bachelor of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga we can strengthen our relationships, to create a sense of love, a sense of helping each other, a sense of mutual concern among students for the wider community who are in need of a helping hand. 


The activity called "Management Cares (M-Cares)" seeks to contribute and carry out a series of activities that can benefit our brothers and sisters in need, as well as carrying out aid donation activities to be donated to people in need during the Covid-19 pandemic. This. The activity of M-Cares in 2021 is to provide social assistance in the form of distributing basic necessities to orphanages which will be carried out directly on June 21 2021. 


The fundraising will be open from May 18 2021 to June 18 2021. Come and participate in distributing kindness in the M-Cares event! Friends can channel assistance in the form of M-Cares donations through:

Via Transfer: 

DANA / Gopay | 081362125082 an Diva Aulia Dyah

OVO | 0818920201 an Karina Napitupulu

INDEPENDENT | 141-00-1925137-0 an Diva Aulia Dyah

BCA | 1410733796 an Danesya Brigitha

BRI | 0580-01-028165-50-9 an Danesya Brigitha


Contact Person

Karina Paramitha Napitupulu

id line : karinaparanapit

Diva Aulia Dyah PP

WA number: 081362125082


Don't forget to contact the contact person to confirm your donation!



HIMA UNAIR S1 Management