In the world of lectures, students are required to understand all the subjects taught by lecturers in order to get good and satisfactory grades in the UTS and UAS. However, not all students are able to understand well all the subjects taught. 

Students are required to be independent in doing anything and must accept the risks. As a form of "unity" for Management Students Universitas Airlangga , HIMA Management has a program which is expected to be able to help students who have difficulty understanding several subjects, this program is called "TUTOR HERO". This program does not require any fees for participants who take part so it can lighten the burden on students who need additional knowledge without additional costs.

This activity was carried out purely by Universitas Airlangga Management Students. Students who have more understanding regarding certain subjects will teach students who do not understand that particular subject. In this way, apart from realizing "unity" there will also be positive cooperation between management forces.

In 2021, HIMA Management Universitas Airlangga will hold a tutoring event for residents who include active students from the Bachelor of Management Study Program Universitas Airlangga , named TUTORIAL HERO (TUTOR HERO 2021). This program will provide opportunities for students who have a deeper understanding of certain subjects to teach students who have less understanding of those subjects. However, unlike tutoring which is provided independently by students and is charged a fee, TUTOR HERO does not charge any fees for its participants. The hero tutoring at this year's UTS was conducted online via zoom meeting due to the pandemic conditions which did not allow for crowds. The target of TUTOR HERO is active students of the Bachelor of Management Study Program Universitas Airlangga semester 1 to semester 4. 

The aim of holding TUTOR HERO is: 

  1. Helping all Universitas Airlangga Management residents in understanding several subjects.
  2. Providing facilities in facing UTS and UAS for all Management residents.
  3. As a forum to strengthen solidarity between Management members in several forces.
  4. Maintaining the good name of Management in the Faculty of Economics and Business, especially in the academic field.

With TUTOR HERO, it is hoped that it can help many students understand the lecture material and be successful in taking the exams they will face.



HIMA UNAIR Bachelor of Management 2021