Universitas Airlangga WORKSHOP ARTICLES FEB UNAIRS2 MM student association in the form of writing training and assistance for journal publication. This training has high urgency because of the mandatory requirements for journal publication for students who wish to take part in the thesis trial, as well as the need to improve the quality of student journal publications. This activity will be held for two days on 22-23 June 2024 offline at Primebizz hotel Surabaya.
In this activity, students will get information about the correct and high quality journal publication process, as well as get guidance for choosing a journal that suits their research topic. . Apart from that, students will also have the opportunity to improve the quality of their journal publications through assistance with journal reviews carried out by competent lecturers or experts in their fields.
Thus, journal publication training activities with journal review assistance at the Master of Management, Universitas Airlangga are very important to help students fulfill the requirements for thesis examinations, as well as improve the quality of their journal publications so that they can make a greater contribution to the development of science and technology in Indonesia.
