As an organization that has an important role in developing the potential of its members, the Management Student Association (HIMA) Universitas Airlangga is aware of the importance of innovation in how to communicate and convey information to students. Therefore, Hima Management Airlangga Unair designed a work program named "Nock" (Chat Management) who utilized Podcast as the main media. This program aims to provide inspirational and educative communication platforms for S1 UNAIR management students.
In this nickname edition (chatting management) this time, we invited speakers who were not only inspiring, but could also share their experiences while becoming a student of Universitas Airlanggamanagement. He will give a new insight to Podcast viewers who are a pity to miss. The podcast material that was delivered supports Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that supports quality education. It is hoped that with this, being able to improve the quality of education, especially to students through quality shows with useful weights in the future.