COMDEV (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) 2021 is present as an agenda from the SOSMAL Department which focuses on community service in the form of village development in the fields of environment, economy, health and education. Wedoro Village is a village in Waru District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java Province which has different advantages for each hamlet, but on average this village is famous for its home industry. The potential industrial center is sandal and shoe crafts. Apart from its advantages, the village also has distribution and marketing aspects which are still the main problems. So, this time COMDEV chose Wedoro village as its target.  

Universitas Airlangga COMDEV Development Economics agenda focuses on four aspects that will be upheld, namely research (a search for new villages which will be carried out in two new COMDEV 2021 village candidates and from the two new village candidates one village will be selected which will later be used as the object COMDEV 2021 agenda), bonding (introducing the village and its advantages through videos which will later be uploaded via social media), branding (publicizing business products which will later be uploaded via social media in the hope of helping entrepreneurs introduce their products in increasing their industrial market share) , closing (providing social assistance to underprivileged communities or those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in the area as well as distributing donations, the distribution of which will be focused on educating orphans and the poor).