Routine exercise is one of the work programs of the Deputy of Art and Sports Division Sega. This routine training activity is carried out in 2 forms, namely offline and online with different timelines. In offline activities include: routine exercises in basketball, futsal, badminton, and table tennis branches as well as in the branch of art, namely bands/acoustic. While routine online training activities are the Mobile Legends branch. The routine training activity was held because it saw the many interests of Islamic economics students in these fields.
Latrut is also in the form of providing education about sports through content on social media. This routine training program is an activity whose cup is for all Islamic economics students and all interested forces. In participating in this latrut activity, there is a contribution fee for field rental. The work program held by the Sega Division is expected to be able to bring Islamic economics to develop their interests and talents. This latrut is related to 4 SDGs because of routine training at Universitas Airlangga of Islamic Economics Study Program that is inclusive and easily accessed for all students, this latrut provides a means for students to develop their talent interests, and become an exercise place to prepare various competitions, one of which is by holding friendly matches (sparing) with other majors to hone the ability of the Ekis team to achieve their potential in non -academic fields, as well as to prepare HR for competition outside.
This activity is carried out from March 23 to November 2, related to the purpose of quality education mandated by 4 SDGs points, this program is not only about the provision of facilities and facilities, but also about providing opportunities for students to develop their skills and potential in the non-academic field. Thus, the routine training program at Universitas Airlangga not only functions as a training event, but also as a vehicle to prepare students to compete at a higher level, both inside and outside their majors.
One of the goals of Latrut is to bring Islamic economics students to be able to participate and compete in the Cup Dean Competition and to be able to maintain the overall champion in the Dean of Cup 2025