SOSRO SOSRO TUTORIAL (Soft Skill by Bureau) 2025 is an important agenda held by the Hima Islamic Economics Medicomfo Bureau Universitas Airlangga . Design tutorials or commonly called Turdes are agendas that have the aim to provide education to members of Islamic Economics Hima, especially in the field of design and how to use Canva applications. Where in this activity, each individual will learn how to design ID cards also develop their respective creativity.
This activity also supports the realization of the 9th SDGs, namely: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Which is where the SDGs targeted strong infrastructure development, innovation promotion, and sustainable industrial development. This SDGs seeks to achieve inclusive economic growth through sustainable industrialization. So, from the implementation of this 2025 Turdes, the Hima Ekis families, especially in 2025, can provide creative innovations so that they can build a good industry and infrastructure and develop Islamic Economics Hima 2025.
And the 2025 Design-Sosro Tutorial is certainly very supportive of the 17th SDGs, namely: Partnerships for The Goals. With the target to increase cooperation, focus on capacity building, technology transfer, and financial support so as to ensure the sustainability of development efforts. So, the use of cooperation between teams, must be carried out so that the achievement of goals as desired. Therefore, the Hima Ekis families must have soft skills that can support the achievement of vision and mission. One of them is soft skill visual design which of course can be very helpful in increasing the work of each individual.
This 2025 design tutorial will be held 2 sessions namely, the first session will be held on March 16, 2025 via the chat group and March 18, 2025 offline in the Mindrowo Hall. Both of these sessions will begin at 15.00-18.30 WIB. Rundown Agenda starts from the opening by the mentor, exposure to the material, holding a challenge and ends with the announcement of the challenge winner and closing. Participants were also facilitated by CANVA Premium, SKP certificates and also consumption of ta'jil to break the fast. So, look forward to the 2025 Turdes and don't miss it, stay tuned !!!.